3 Feathers Emu News — emu products
Alpha Gal - a most serious condition—that you have probably never heard of
alpha gal emu meat emu products red meat allergy
Janean Parker

We love our emu meat and eat it regularly in place of beef, pork, venison, and more. But for those with alpha gal allergy, a largely unknown allergy to mammal meat caused by a tick bite, these other red meats are off limits and emu (or other ratites) are their only source of red meat. So what is it? How do you get it? And how do you know if you got it?? It turns out, those answers aren’t so clear and it is still often misdiagnosed or even denied by some medical providers because of the huge variability in symptoms. But the consequences of having it can impact...
The Perfect Pair for Valentines Day
3 Feathers Dry skin emu oil emu oil products emu products Essential Fatty Acids face care lip balm lip care moisturizing skin care sunburn
Janean Parker

Friday Fun Emu Fact
emu meat emu oil emu products heart healthy the other red meat
Janean Parker

We raise emus for their emu oil, which we use to make all our products. But we also sell emu meat. Most people thing emu meat is a white meat like chicken or turkey, but instead it is more like beef. It is also super nutritious. We have USDA meat for sale in steaks or as ground meat. If you haven't tried it before, you are missing out. #3Feathersemus #farmingisfun #emutheotherredmeat #hearthealthymeat #fridayfunfact
Friday Fun Emu Fact
American Emu Association emu industry emu oil emu products emus
Janean Parker

Since we got our first emu pairs in 2009, we have been members of the American Emu Association, a national, member driven, non-profit agricultural association dedicated to the emu industry. If you are at all interested in raising emus and selling emu products, it is worth it to become a member. Check them out at aea-emu.org #3Feathersemus #emuoilisgoodforyou #fridayfunfact #emufarmer