3 Feathers Emu News — buy local
Housekeeping news...
3 Feathers 3feathers buy local emu oil products
Janean Parker

With the new year comes new changes. We have a new telephone number ... 360-880-0905. Please update your records and feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Also, we have not updated our shipping rates for quite some time despite our increased costs. So you will also see an increase in rates this year for online orders. More updates to come in as we look forward to an amazing year. Thanks to everyone for the ongoing support.
Friday (er Sat., no Sunday) Fun Emu Fact.
Janean Parker

Raising emus is, at times, great fun and as we learned last week, also truly heartbreaking. But living in rural Lewis County has also allowed our family to grow and learn so much more. Whether it is harvesting honey (our first year we were overrun by bees from the hive coming to take their honey back !!), making apple cider (a sticky job), or growing and preserving our own food for winter (you can grow too much kale), the days are never dull. Thank you to our customers for 12 years of fun. Looking forward to many, many more....
Email Hiccups
Janean Parker

We had a temporary interruption in our email services today, October 16, during an upgrade. But good news: all is working now. If you emailed us today and do not get a response, please try again and accept our apologies for any trouble. Thanks, Your customer support team- i.e. Janean and Tony!
Friday Fun Emu Facts
buy local emu meat emu oil emu oil products farmers markets
Janean Parker

We sell our emu oil, meat, and handmade products from our farm and in stores, but also at local farmers markets, events, and festivals. We were unable to attend may markets and events this year and we missed seeing everyone. We can't wait to see you all next year. #fridayfunfact #emuoilisgoodforyou #buylocal #farmingisfun #discoverlewiscounty #chehalisfarmersmarket #centraliafarmersmarket #toledofarmersmarket #tumwaterfarmersmarket #chehalisgarlicfestival
Thanks for a great summer!
3 Feathers 3feathers buy local christmas gifts emu news emu oil emu oil products skin care
Janean Parker

We are all finished with markets this season and settling in to a lovely fall. Thank you to everyone that came by to say hi at the Chehalis, Centralia, Tumwater, and Astoria markets. All our products are available online except our emu meat and we are working this fall to get our shipping sorted out so we can sell that online as well. In the meantime, if you are looking for meat, give us a call--we have finished processing and our freezers are full.